Call for Papers
Submission Schedule
Paper Submission
List accepted papers
Submission of camera-ready accepted papers
Paper Administration
Paper Review


Download call for paper (PDF).
Download call for paper (txt).

Thanks to the sponsorship of IEEE Signal Processing Society and IEEE Neural Network Council the tenth of a series of IEEE workshops on Neural Networks for Signal Processing will be held at the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. The workshop will feature keynote addresses, technical presentations and panel discussions.

Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:

Algorithm and Architectures:
Artificial neural networks (ANN), adaptive signal processing, Bayesian modeling, MCMC, generalization, design algorithms, optimization, parameter estimation, nonlinear signal processing, Markov models, fuzzy systems (FS), evolutionary computation (EC), synergistic models of ANN/FS/EC, and wavelets.
Speech processing, image processing, sonar and radar, data fusion, intelligent multimedia and web processing, OCR, robotics, adaptive filtering, blind source separation, communications, sensors, system identification, and other general signal processing and pattern recognition applications.
Parallel and distributed implementation, hardware design, and other general implementation technologies.

Submission of full paper: April 15, 2000
Notification of acceptance: June 20, 2000
Submission of photo-ready accepted paper: July 31, 2000
Author Registration, before: August 10, 2000
Advanced registration, before:September 15, 2000


Prospective authors are invited to submit full length papers of no more than 10 pages before April 15, 2000 according to Author's Kit. If your paper is accepted, it will be possible to incorporate corrections and reviewers comments in the photo-ready paper, deadline July 31, 2000.

Paper submission is done electronically. In case computer facilities prevent you from completing the electronic submission, please contact Program Chair Tülay Adali, email:

Accepted papers will be published in a hard-bound volume by IEEE and distributed at the workshop.

Extended versions of the best workshop papers will be selected and published in a Special Issue of an international journal published by Kluwer Academica Publishers.

Paper submission procedure:

  1. Prepare a full-length paper of max. 10 pages in accordance with the Author's Kit.

    Please carefully comply with instructions in author's kit. Papers which do not fulfil the requirements can not be published.

    LATEX files for preparation of manuscript in accordance with guidelines in Author's Kit are available:

    Download sample LATEX2e file (sample.tex)
    Download LATEX2e syle file (nnsp2e.sty)
    Download LATEX bst file (nnsp.bst)

    (Use e.g., right mouse click "save as")

  2. Paper Registration: Click here to fill in the Paper Summission Form. (submission closed) This will register your information and provide upload of paper file.

    Supported paper file formats are:

    • PostScript (PS)
    • Portable Document Format (PDF)

      Obtain more info on file formats.
    This includes conversion of MS Word files into PS.

  3. Confimation Page: The confirmation page contains your submitted information. In addition, your Paper ID number and Paper password, to be used for further inquires, are also provided.
    The automatically generated PDF version of your paper can also be viewed from this page.


Camera-ready submission deadline is July 31, 2000.

In order to get the paper published, it is required that at least one author register for the workshop.

Please complete all steps in the procedure below.

Camera-ready submission procedure:

  1. Prepare a camera ready manuscript of max. 10 pages in accordance with the Author's Kit.

    Please carefully comply with instructions in author's kit. Papers which do not fulfil the requirements can not be published.

    Download LATEX files for preparation of camera-ready manuscript in accordance with guidelines in Author's Kit:

    Sample LATEX2e file (sample.tex)
    Download LATEX2e syle file (nnsp2e.sty)
    Download LATEX bst file (nnsp.bst)

    (Use e.g., right mouse click "save as" to download)

  2. Fill in and sign the IEEE copyright form. One copy is mailed to the address mentioned in step 4.

    Download copyright form:

    IEEE copyright form in ASCII format (ieeecopyrightform.txt)
    IEEE copyright form in RTF format (ieeecopyrightform.doc)

    (Use e.g., right mouse click "save as" to download)

  3. Paper Upload: Click here to upload the electronic version of your paper.

    Supported paper file formats are:

    • PostScript (PS)
    • Portable Document Format (PDF)

      Obtain more info on file formats.
    This includes conversion of MS Word files into PS.

  4. Create 1 backup printed copy of the manuscript.

    NOTICE!  Only in the unexpeted case of problems with the electronically uploaded paper the printed backup copy will be used.

    Mail one copy of the printed manuscript together with one copy of a signed copyright form to:

    For special courier (Fed Ex, UPS, and others)

    Prof. Scott C. Douglas
    Department of Electrical Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Southern Methodist University
    3145 Dyer Street, Room 329C
    Dallas, TX 75275 USA
    Phone: (+1) 214 768 3113

    For surface mail

    Prof. Scott C. Douglas
    Department of Electrical Engineering
    School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Southern Methodist University
    P.O. Box 750338
    Dallas, TX 75275 USA