Martha's Vineyard Expedition
Transportation from Sea Crest To Wood's Hole
Transportation from Wood's Hole back to Sea Crest
Ferry Information
Martha's Vineyard
Hotel Check-in Issues
Missed Transportation


NNSP has organized and will provide van transportation (J.P. Transportation, Inc.) from Sea Crest Resort to Wood's Hole (the ferry departure point for Martha's Vineyard) and, after returning from Martha's Vineyard to Wood's Hole, transportation is provided from Wood's Hole back to Sea Crest Resort.


From Sea Crest To Wood's Hole

The first van will be at Sea Crest (in front of the main lobby) for pickup at 12:30 PM, intended for the Woods Hole ferry that departs at 1:15 PM. The second van will be at Sea Crest for pickup at 2 PM, intended for the Woods Hole ferry that departs at 2:45 PM. The destination for both ferries is Vineyard Have on Martha's Vineyard.

From Wood's Hole Back to Sea Crest

To meet the first van, you should depart on the 5 PM ferry from Vineyard Haven back to Woods Hole. The van will meet you at 5:45 PM right in front of the terminal after you disembark from the boat. To meet the second van, you should take the 7:15 ferry from Vineyard Haven, which arrives at Woods Hole at 8 PM. The van will meet you at 8 PM, right in front of the terminal.

Ferry Information

The ferry ride is 45-minutes, from Woods Hole, Mass. to Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard. Ferry departures are approximately every hour, between 7:15 AM and 10 PM (However, not all boats travel to Vineyard Haven -- some travel instead to Oak Bluffs). The one-way adult fare on the ferry is $5 ($2.50 for children).

Link to ferry ride homepage

Martha's Vineyard

One suggestion is to rent bikes and take a coastal bike excursion.

Click here to obtain information on this island home and resort.

Hotel Check-in Issues

Since many NNSP attendees will be arriving on Sunday, the vans will depart from Sea Crest in the afternoon.

Check-in at the hotel on Sunday is not until 3 PM. Thus, if you are going to Martha's Vineyard, you will either need to leave your luggage in a rental car or store it in the Bellman's Closet in the Sea Crest hotel (ask at the front desk).

Missed Transportation

If you miss the vans departing Woods Hole at ~ 5:45 PM and 8 PM, there is a taxi service available (508-477-4001)

If the vans are not convenient for your travel plans, you can call instead for individual taxi service (508-477-4001) or drive to the Woods Hole departure point.