General Information
Basic Instructions
Additional Recommendations Summary
Additional Recommendations Detail


Papers to be presented at the 2000 Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing will be published as a hard-bound volume: Neural Networks for Signal Processing X - Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Workshop which will be distributed to the participants and made available for sale through IEEE. The goal is to present a uniform consistent format and design for the book. With this goal in mind, specifications have been prepared for laser printer output.


The following instructions are REQUIREMENTS and the paper will NOT be accepted by the publisher if these are not followed:

  1. Manuscripts must be limited to no more than 10 pages.
  2. Manuscripts must be printed single column on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper (or European equivalent of A size).
  3. Manuscripts must be printed single spaced on one side only.
  4. Use black ink only.
  5. The text must fit in 4 5/8 by 7 1/2 inch margin (11.7 x 19.5 cm).


The following description covers recommendations for preparing your paper in a format consistent with the proceedings. These items are summarized as:

  1. Justify text on both left and right margins.
  2. Center title and figure captions.
  3. Typeface and typesize:
    • 10 pt. Times Roman for text, author, abstract, and references
    • 14 pt. Helvetica for title
    • 9 pt. Times Roman for figure captions
  4. All capitals for title and headings.
  5. Mixed case for author lines, subheadings, and abstract.
  6. Spacing:
    • single space text
    • 2 blank lines between title and author lines
    • 2 blank lines between author lines and abstract
    • 2 blank lines between abstract and article text
    • 2 blank lines above and 1 blank line below major headings
    • 1 blank line above and 1 blank line below sub headings
    • at least 1/2 blank line above and below displayed equations
    • 1 blank line above and 1 blank line below tables and figures
    • at least 1/2 blank line above and 1 blank line below captions
  7. Number equations referred to in text in parentheses.
  8. Define acronyms the first time they appear.
  9. Use square brackets around reference numbers in text.
  10. Use complete bibliography references.
  11. Use black and white glossy photographs or halftones for pictures.


The proceedings is a hard-cover book with 6 x 9 inch pages. The text page dimensions are 4 5/8 x 7 1/2 inches. The text should be centered on the 8 1/2 x 11 inch (A size) paper. The pages will not be reduced in size by the printer. Therefore, it is important to use a 10 pt. typesize whenever possible. Justify the lines on the right and left margins. The recommended typeface is Times Roman. If this font is not available to you, a substitution can be made with another serif typeface. Sans serif typefaces are not recommended for technical material.

Type the title in boldface capitals and center all lines of the title on the first page. The title should be in larger typeface than the text and 14 pt. Helvetica is recommended.

Author Lines
Leave 2 line spaces below the last or only line of the title. Type the name(s) of the author(s) on one line, followed by precise business mailing address on the next line. Author name/address lines should be single-spaced in upper and lower text in 10 pt. type.

The abstract should be set off from the rest of the paper. Type the entire abstract in boldface and leave 2 line spaces above and below the abstract.

Major headings should be in boldface, capital letters, flush with the left margin of the page. Leave 2 line spaces above and 1 line space below. Subheadings should be in mixed case (upper and lower case letters), boldface, and flush with the left margin of the page. Leave 1 line space above and 1 line space below. Sub-subheadings should be in mixed case, boldface, followed by a period, and run in with the text. Leave 1 line space above.

Care should be observed in using the slant, vertical bar, radical sign, parentheses, and brackets in mathematical notation to avoid ambiguity in equations. Adhere to the conventional order of brackets: {[()]}. Fractions that appear in text are broken down on one line. Appropriate notation such as parentheses, brackets, and braces should be used to avoid ambiguities, e.g., 1/2r could be read as 1/(2r) or (1/2)r. In displayed equations, the author should be consistent about keeping fractions in one style, either built up or broken down. When numbering equations, enclose the number in parentheses and place flush with the right margin of the column at the end of the equation. Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text and referred to simply by the number. The word "equation" is only necessary at the beginning of a sentence, e.g., "Equation (23) enables us to write (32) in the ..." Leave at least 1/2 line space above and below displayed equations.

Use only IEEE standard symbols and unit abbreviations. The use of the International System of Units (SI Units) is advocated. Be sure to define acronyms the first time they appear.

References are important to the reader and must be complete and correct. List and number bibliographical references at the end of the paper using the following formats:

[1] A.B. Author, Underline or Bold Title of Book, NY: IEEE Press, 1993, ch. 6, pp. 23-35.
[2] J.Q. Author, "Title of paper," Underline or Bold Title of Journal, vol. 10, no 3, pp. 1-20, June 1991.
[3] C.D. Smith and E.F. Jones, "Title of paper," presented at the IEEE Conference on ..., City, State, June 6-7, 1991.
[4] G.H. Author, "Title of paper," in Underline or Bold Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing IV, 1994, pp. 11-20.

Set the word "References" at the top of the reference list in the same manner as a main heading. When referring to references in text, use square brackets [] around the number to distinguish them from equations numbers or use superscript numbers.

Position tables as close to their text reference as possible. Center the tables left/right on the page. Align table entries on a common symbol such as a decimal point. Table titles should be in all capital letters, centered above the table. Leave 1 line space above and below the table to set it off from the rest of the text.

Line drawings should be drawn with black waterproof ink on white paper and pasted into position on the paper. A satisfactory halftone can be made from an original photograph or wash drawing or airbrush drawing, never from a printed picture. Select clear, sharp, glossy photographs with good total contrast. Avoid dull or matte finish prints which are harder to reproduce. Black and white photographs reproduce the best. All prints must be positives, negatives will not be accepted. Keep in mind that dark figures that appear in the same position on the page on consecutive pages may appear front and back on the same page. There is no way to predict whether your paper will begin on the left or right page of the open book. Lettering on illustrations must be clear and sharp. On graphs, show only coordinate axes, or at most, the major grid lines to preclude a dense, hard-to-read effect. Captions should be set in 9 pt. Times Roman and centered beneath the figure. Allow at least 1/2 line spacing above the caption to the illustration and 1 line space below the caption to the text. Check your paper carefully. There will be no opportunity to make corrections after submission. It is very important to carefully check the manuscript for accuracy in material, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and references.