Section for Cognitive Systems
DTU Informatics

Project 1: Song features for meta data classification

The demand for computational methods to organize and search in digital music has grown with the increasing availability of large music databases as well as the growing access through the Internet.
The purpose of the project is to compare methods for predicting and understanding higher level attributes of the song, so-called meta data such as genre or mood.
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Teacher: Jan Larsen e-mail:

Project 2: Music instrument detection

During the recent years we have witnessed an explosion in the amount of multimedia information available to the average user. This scenario could benefit from the appearance of intelligent tools that automatically extract knowledge from this information. In particular, a problem that has received some attention during the last years, is the decomposition of a music file into the waveforms from the different instruments. It is reasonable to think that this separation process could be simplified by previously determining which instruments are present within a particular music clip.
The purpose of this project is to design a system for the automatic classification of music signals into a limited group of instruments. Although the system will be built to classify song segments where only one instrument is played at a time, an additional and interesting possibility consists in analyzing the ability of the system to detect the absence/presence of several instruments, when segments with multiple instruments are analyzed.
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Teacher: Jan Larsen, e-mail:

Project 3: Voice detection in music using sparse models

Music information retrieval (MIR) is a hot topic in machine learning. Detection of vocal parts of music can assist MIR systems and be used for further refinements, e.g., recognition etc.
The purpose of this project is to design a system for the automatic detection of vocal parts of music signals using a sparse models.
Detailed description:

Teachers: Jan Larsen e-mail:

Project 4: Modelling fMRI data by kernel PCA and ICA

Brain imaging by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was invented in 1992 and has revolutionized neuroscience. By fMRI we have gained substantial new insight in macroscopic information processing. Principal and independent component analyses of fMRI have been used to detect global patterns of activation in the human brain within a linear model. Recently we sat an informal "world record" in mental state decoding precision using non-linear features based on the so-called Laplace eigenmap.
The purpose of this project is to use non-linear feature detectors based on kernel representations, e.g., kernel PCA or ICA. A possible application would be the so-called Pittsburgh Mind Reading Competition.
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Teacher: Lars Kai Hansen, e-mail:

Project 5: Social networks - Community detection by spectral clustering

Human interaction can be described using graphs, so-called social networks. One of the hot topics in current research is to identify highly interconnected subgraphs: `Communities'. Principal component-like methods called spectral clustering have shown effective for community detection in sparse networks.
The purpose of this project is to analyze community structure in large graphs like the "movie actor network" with 125.000 movie actors participating in 400.000 movies.
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Teacher: Lars Kai Hansen, e-mail:

Project 6: Sparse Factor Models

A factor model is a powerful tool for latent structure analysis in linear systems that is intended to explain a set of observed variables as a linear mixing of set of latent factors, for example as in principal component analysis (PCA) or independent component analysis (ICA). In many real life applications, the so called linear mixing is sparse, meaning that only a few of the possible latent factors contribute to explain a variable, so there is a need to systematically impose/promote sparsity in factor models. Bayesian models and sampling methods allows us to incorporate prior knowledge, i.e. sparsity, into factor models to be able to handle such applications properly while keeping the interpretability of the model.
The purpose of the project is to use Bayesian sparse factor models to find possible interactions between observed data and a set of latent variables, e.g. to relate gene expression levels (latent) transcription factors or song lyrics with (latent) emotional words/concepts.
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Teacher: Ole Winther, e-mail:

Project 7: Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Dynamical Systems

We will consider Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for inference is dynamical state space models. We will focus on a particular class of algorithms called particle filters and will study both their theoretical properties and practical issues around better proposal distributions and joint state and parameter estimation.
The purpose of this project is to get a thorough introduction to both theoretical and practical aspects of MCMC exemplified by particle filtering.
Detailed description:

Teacher: Ole Winther, e-mail:

Project 8: The Netflix Prize - Low Rank Decompositions and Model Averaging

We will try to win the 1M US$ Netflix Prize in this project. The best systems developed so far have two important ingredients which we want to understand and improve upon using for example a Bayesian approach. These are models based low rank decompositions and model averaging, that is averaging in some clever way the predictions coming from different models.
The purpose of this project is to understand successful approaches to the Netflix Prize problem and improve on these.
Detailed description:

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Teachers: Ole Winther e-mail:

Project 9: Infinite mixture models

In mixture models, data is modeled as generated from one out of K possible mixture components. Often, it is not known how many components there is, so it is desirable to learn this from data. One way to do this sometimes denoted the "infinite" mixture model because the number of components is unbounded.
The purpose of the project is to understand and implement an infinite mixture model.
Detailed description:

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Teacher: Mikkel N. Schmidt e-mail:

Project 10: Slice sampling

In Bayesian data analysis inference usually entails evaluating a high-dimensional intractable integral, which is often approximated using Monte Carlo. Recently researchers have proposed different general schemes for Monte Carlo inference, of which one of the most promising is the slice sampler.
The purpose of the project is to understand and implement a general slice sampling procedure.
There are three major areas that could be investigated in the context of this project:

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Teacher: Mikkel Schmidt e-mail:

Project 11: Graph based semi supervised learning

In classification problems we are given a set of training examples with known class labels, and we wish to infer a classification rule. In semi-supervised learning, some of the class labels of are "missing" and need to be inferred. Interestingly, the unlabelled examples still contain useful information. A popular way of approaching this problem is to represent the data set as a graph and then to employ discrete regularisation techniques such as label diffusions.
The purpose of the project is to understand and implement a graph based learning algorithm.
There are three major areas that could be investigated in the context of this project:

Additional material

Teacher: Christian Walder e-mail:

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