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November 13th, 1996.
Lars Nonboe Andersen
My Professional Life
I am a Ph.D. student at the Section for Digital Signal Processing at the Department of Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark. My supervisors are Dr. Lars Kai Hansen, DSP, IMM, DTU and Dr. Whitlow Au, MMRP, UH.
The subject of my Ph.D. is "The Dolphin Sonar System" and I am working with mathematical models of the dolphin auditory system and artificial neural networks.
Here you can watch a cylinder rotating in a tank:
Lars Nonboe Andersen and Lars Kai Hansen
Regularized Parameter Estimation in an Inhomogeneous Cellular Network
[abstract] [ps.Z]
L.K. Hansen, L. Nonboe Andersen, U. Kjems, J. Larsen
Revisiting Boltzmann Learning: Parameter Estimation in Markov Random Fields
In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, Atlanta, GA, May 1996.
Keywords: Boltzmann Learning, Markov Random Fields
[abstract] [ps.Z]
Lars Nonboe Andersen, Jan Larsen, Lars Kai Hansen and
Mads Hintz-Madsen
Adaptive Regularization of Neural Classifiers
submitted for NNSP'97, Florida, September 1997.
Keywords: Regularization, Pruning, Classification
Institute address
Section for Digital Signal Processing
Department of Mathematical Modelling
Building 305 2. floor
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone: (+45) 45 25 38 99
Private address
Lars Nonboe Andersen
Lyngbygaardsvej 67, 2. th.
2800 Lyngby
Phone: (+45) 45 87 81 19
Last modified 25-01-99 Lars Nonboe Andersen,
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